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Subscibe at for trailers and progress updates on the film.


Subscribe to Wine, Women, and Dementia for the  latest news and updates on the film.

2025 Update

For newcomers to the Stumped Town Dementia blog, WELCOME! I'm glad you are here. With my caregiver journey complete and the time and energy is takes to get a dementia family caregiver documentary out into the world I no longer add new posts to the blog. However, there's great content for you and your dementia household in these tales of dementia life, told from the perspective of the dementia family caregiver. 

I recommend reading the posts in the order that I wrote them, about mid-progression for Mom. Choose Archive from the menu above to access our stories in chronological order. It's a way to travel the road with us, gleaning info that may benefit your caregiver path as we make dementia discoveries on this confounding journey.

Alternately, use the Topic Menu below to choose posts organized by subject. Having a bad day and just want some caregiver humor to cheer you up? Or want to know more about hygiene issues, hospice, and what's the deal with poop? Choose the topic to see what we discovered and how we dealt with specific dementia issues.

And while you're here, subscribe to the dementia family caregiver documentary, Wine, Women, and Dementia for virtual and in-person screening notifications, and upcoming PBS air dates. 

I hope you celebrate yourselves while enjoying the story of some other household making all the dementia mistakes! 

Cheers, Caregivers!

Stumped Town Dementia

featured on...

A personal blog...

...chronicling the dementia adventures of...

...Girl and

The Other Girl...

...sharing hilarious and 

heartbreaking moments

of life...


...with our mom who has vascular dementia.


Mom is free.

"We're close..."

Dementia Dichotomy


What's new pussycats?

Mad Skills



My Harvest Queen


Dementia Care
November 2020

When They Forget


September 2020

Open Caregiving

August 2020


Here & Now


May 2020


Daughterhood, The Podcast

May 2020



July 2019


Ro & Steve

June 2019


Being Patient

December 2018


The Caregiver Space

September 2018

Family Caregiver Alliance

September 2018


Alzheimer's Society UK

August 2018


Alzheimer's Society UK

March 2018


Let's do this!

Join the mailing list. I mean, how much crazier could it possibly get?

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