A reminder to myself that even when I stumble and fall I am still a dementia warrior.
Oh you Kings and Queens of Dementia
Who are trapped in the throes of the disease
I wish you a smooth path
Dappled with unexpected joys, unabashed love
To light the darkness
And a peaceful passing
When it is your turn to move on
Oh you Sons and Daughters of Dementia
You Spouses, you Lovers, you Friends
Who toil in service to those snug in your heart
I wish you courage
When you are empty, worn thin
Oh to us on the front lines
Who do battle everyday
The brain has turned against us
Yet we soldier on
Warriors living with
Champions fighting for
Lest we forget, we are
Of home spun castles
Of memory care fortresses
Who will lay down our swords in sorrow, in gratitude
When the battle is finally lost